Friday, June 1, 2012

Maybe in a Year or Two

Another milestone passed in our most exceptional household.  Someone went to the store recently and bought a bag of sugar.  Hmmm, when did I last do that?  I really can't remember, but I think it was over a year and a half ago, when I bought baking supplies for a Christmas cookie party.  The party was postponed so I ended up not making the cookies, and then I used that bag of sugar all year long.  I made a pile of traditional Christmas bread to take as hostess gifts here and there, and a chunk of it when relatives made a couple of pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving.  No cookie party in 2011 so I made no cookies at all or traditional  holiday foods.  I did hand out chocolate bark to many friends, no added sugar there.
Lately, my husband has added a teaspoon of sugar back to his coffee, so we have been going through it faster.  First, the granulated sugar, then I went to the back of the cabinet and pulled out that old box of crusty confectioner's sugar, and someone found a small bag of brown sugar hidden somewhere way in the back.


  1. lol -- i know what you mean! i have to have it at christmas-time for making my toffee for gifts, but that's about it, these days! :-)

  2. Oh, I think pound for pound, I use more salt

  3. Does sugar ever go bad? I have a bag that's at least 5 years old I keep for guests (tea, coffee) - do I need to replace it?

  4. but really, you don't need to replace it but sometimes the brown sugar gets as hard as a rock.
