Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Gluteny and Sloth - The game changes

I know I know I have been awol.  Not for lack of things to say.

Just 'cause I don't even know where to begin.

I have celiac disease.

Yuk!  What was formerly a bunch of fun "food experiments" now becomes a medical necessity.

I don't want to be one of THOSE people!

There is more to this story.  Please stand by while I collect my thoughts.


  1. oh, my! diet is going to get even trickier....

  2. Jane would say that all your metabolic problems are caused by micro-nutrients malabsorption.
    Jokes aside, it is better to know what you have than being in a dark.

  3. Ha! I don't want anything to be mandatory. I want to follow some food experiment or other pretty well, pontificate on the internets, and then once a week or so go out to eat and do whatever.

  4. Jane's probably right, lol! Isn't a broken clock right twice a day? If is difficult to tell in many celiac symptoms are due to merely malabsorption or just the effects of inflammation.

  5. Sometimes (actually, very often) it is difficult to sort-out what contributed most to something. I recently commented on Tess's blog that I am less carbs sensitive now and probably some healing took place, then realized that it may be attributed to me starting hormone replacement therapy several months ago.

  6. I am having a difficult time, as things are changing by the minute. What I was able to get away with a few weeks ago now causes alot of trouble. I am actually much less carb-sensitive now than before. Since I am not diabetic and do not have a meter, the only thing I really have to go on is whether my skin tags grow or whither. My experiments with white rice is that I feel OK and my appetite doesn't increase like before, but get over a certain amount and my skin tags start growing exponentially. I never really knew until now if it was the easy carbs of wheat, or the other wheat components. Now, of course, I am unsure about what I thought I learned about rice. I recently read that rice can be cross-reactive as well. I am about ready to go on a whole30-style elimination diet. I feel fantastic when fasting for a short time, when everything that currently bothers me is taken away.

    1. [nodding] exactly! feeling great while fasting, then feeling not-quite-right after a meal has been an indicator of histamine/tyramine/salicylate issues for me, but can also be a lot of things.... good luck with getting everything sorted out!

  7. Interestingly, the first several days of 100% gluten withdrawal (that is, removing everything that can possibly be a problem, including cutting-board cross-contamination, etc.) my sleep was fantastic. Now that I have gotten rid of most potentially cross-reactive substances, my daily energy is great, all my symptoms are gone, but I find I have trouble sleeping. Before I go on an elimination diet, I will try to find a "safe" carb that I can eat to get my total carbs up to around 60 grams. I am hoping the green banana, plantain or tapioca will be OK for me.

  8. It is absolutely amazing how a person can live decades of his/her life with so strong reaction on a gluten that even a cutting board change makes a difference, while eating bread.

  9. Well, at least you know how to deal with it

  10. Gee EB, where to start? I have CD and have been GF for 34 years...there has been an occasional contamination problem but I get through it. I found VLC to be most helpful. Sometimes when you first go on the diet any little slip can really set you back. Cross contamination is a problem when eating out in restaurants. Ask for a salad without croutons and if t comes with them keep it until they bring a fresh one. They are known to pick them off.
    Broiled stakes can be done without grill base painted on and on a piece of aluminum foil on the grill to protect against grill contamination. Oil and vinegar works well or bring your own salad dressing. Read all labels even if you buy it regularly.
    Malabsorption can cause a lot of symptoms, so test for vitamin deficiencies. Their are published lists of cross reactive foods. Some may be a problem for you. Best of luck, you can do this. If you need more info/support please contact me.

  11. EB's so much better to know, so you can act or react accordingly.

    Take Care ...gather your thoughts and always wishing you

    All the best Jan

  12. Galina, I don't have a strong reaction, and that type of reaction would probably be easier, since I could then find and remove sources of contamination more easily. Since my symptoms are mainly neurological, I don't want to risk getting permanent damage by enduring a low-level problem for a long time. I seem to be getting more and more sensitive by the minute, and have learned to notice more subtle signs of either likely contamination or some other allergy.

  13. Larcana, I think I got cross-contaminated at a friend's house. I think what probably happened is that they cut the meat on a surface they also cut the bread on. Or, it was some brown rice syrup powder I ate later. I didn't know it could be contaminated. As I was eating it, I thought I had what was an allergic reaction so I threw it away. The next morning I woke up with a really sore and swollen knee, no warning whatsoever, and then in the afternoon I experienced the extreme potato reaction. So now I don't know what really happened. I am still trying to tell the difference between an allergic reaction, an autoimmune issue, or just plain carb intolerance.

  14. I know it can be tricky to tease it out. I fall back to a simple diet if I think I'm contaminated...meat and a simple veggie in butter salt and pepper. It keeps me sane and well fed. I hope you have some good days. Contact the Gluten Intolerance Group or Celiac Society of America for help. I go to monthly support meetings and have for many years even thoughI'm an educator for GF I learn new things all the time. Things will get better.

  15. I thought for a while about wheat as a particularly troublesome substance - very damaging in a very sneaky way, and my opinion is getting stronger..

  16. Larcana, thank you for your words on encourage. I have already gotten so much better, in fact, few symptoms at all unless I am testing for things. I will miss going out with my friends though. Lucky for me I am already keto adapted, and can go for long periods of time without eating if I have to. Celiac must be sheer hell for people who have to eat every 2 hours.
