Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Paleo on $100 a month - Upping my protein

Since giving blood, I have been craving food, water and especially protein, so Tuesday's meals reflected that.

Breakfast started out with a pastured egg from trader Beryl, cooked with greens and leftover ground beef.  I also finished off the chicken and had a piece of orange from trader William.

I trolled some stores for freebie snacks and specials, and hit the liver motherlode.  A whole package of beef liver for $1.71.  That should be enough for the rest of the month, and a great addition to my diet.  I had a sample of beef pot roast and the usual creamer with a dab of coffee.

I also got more sale pork and wolfed most of it down along with lots of cabbage from trader Rafael and my own squash.  I finished the meal with a shake made with kale, oranges from trader William, lemon from trader Patty, and protein powder from trader Nadine.

Tomorrow I need to get up early and get into the garden.  I'll be meeting up with some trading partners later in the day and they are begging for more chard.

Purchases today:  beef liver for 1.71, pork for 2.40, leaving me with only a dollar in the cash jar.

Details here.

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